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Fashion Files: Marina Michetti, Fashion Mogul In The Making

The Montreal fashion industry is one packed full with young style stars, including content creator Marina Michetti who is working to make her mark and sharing her individual style in an industry where thousands of others looking to do the exact same.

Marina started her YouTube channel mmtrends when she was 16 years old, after many of her friends had suggested she create one: "A lot of my friends have always liked my style and saw how creative, and how much I liked fashion so they suggested that I should start my own channel and I listened!" She admits that though she's by no means a professional, her knowledge and use of the platform has grown over time, something that has definitely translated through her videos.

While it was people's admiration of her style that caused her to begin her channel, it's for those same reasons she finds motivation to keep on creating content: "People have always positively responded to my channel and my style and I think that’s what makes keeping up with my channel all the more easier. I’m doing something that I love, and all of my viewers love it too so it’s a win win!"

It's absolutely no secret that Marina's taste in fashion is nothing short of flawless, so what's her secret to great style? Perhaps the fact that she doesn't limit herself to one specific style, but lets her mood and how she's feeling, dictate what she'll wear that day: " It really depends on what I’m doing that day and if I would rather have a comfier outfit or not."

However, that's not to say that she doesn't have a favourite style, because she definitely does. "I really do vibe with street style and looking really laid-back yet put together. Hailey Baldwin, Gigi Hadid, Sofia Richie, Josephine H.J, Kendall Jenner, and Olivia Jade are really the people who inspire my style the most."

When naming her favourite designers, they definitely follow suit when it comes to her uniquely curated sense of style: "Virgil Abloh [designer for clothing brand Off-White] because of how raw and minimalistic his ideas are. I just admire his growth as such a humble designer. I also really admire Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen as designers because I’ve seen them grow and have been with them since the very beginning of their company and I just think they’re remarkable designers. I also love Balenciaga, Chanel, Alexander Wang, Balmain for how edgy and creative their designs can be."

While many people assume that having good style and developing an interest in fashion must begin at a young age, that's not necessarily always the case.

Though Marina had some appreciation and exposure to fashion, thanks to Disney Channel-bred characters Sharpay Evans and Lizzie Maguire, her deep interest in clothes and style came much later: "While I was growing up I was more of a Tom-boy than anything. I didn’t care much about style until I got to high school but I do remember being in love with Lizzie McGuire [played by Hilary Duff] and Sharpay Evans [from High School Musical] and I guess they started shaping my style a little bit more."

Social media very much goes hand in hand with Marina's budding career and influence on Montreal's fashion scene. And while her various platforms are extremely useful in her progression they do, generally, have the potential to heavily influence our style based on the constant exposure we're subjected to and how that effectively impacts what we like and dislike in the context of fashion.

When it comes to Marina's relationship with social media, she is well aware of the its influence, and is fine with the way it has impacted her style.

"I definitely think that social media has influenced me based on style and because of all the bloggers [and] influencers that I follow and I’m completely okay with that. I think that social media can be a positive tool if you know how to use it and that’s why I love Instagram so much. I love the creativity that people have, I love seeing other people’s styles, what they’re wearing and what they do with it."

Not only has using social media as a tool to gather inspiration, but credits social media influencers like Lauren Elizabeth, Tatiana Ringsby, Danielle Bernstein, Claire Rose Cliteur, and Olivia Jade for teaching her the lesson that fashion goes beyond just what you wear.

"A lot of these influencers have changed the way I view style and I feel like I see fashion now as something that really reflects you. Growing up really shapes how you view certain things and especially other people’s perceptions of beauty, but I feel like a minimal amount of makeup, mixed with something simple yet comfortable, as well as something that’s bold really describes the style that I like now based on what these influencers and Youtuber's have taught me."

Though she allows herself to be influence and inspired by other's style via social media, she knows herself well enough not to give in to a trend she knows will not suit or mix in well with her present wardrobe. However, there was one instance when a trend got the best of her.

"I can only remember one trend that I started off hating a while ago but caved into one time and one time only. After caving into this trend, I never caved to something that I told myself I didn’t like... This trend was the fishnet stockings that were worn under ripped jeans. After buying these stockings I just felt like it was so stupid of me and I completely wasted my money seeing as I only wore them once. Now... I don’t buy into things unless I feel like it will be a long term trend and if I actually like it."

Marina has now fully embraced fashion in it's fullest force, by studying fashion marketing. Though it seems quite obvious that she would, at some point, end up with a career in fashion, Marina had to overcome some challenges before she could make her goals a reality.

Before applying for her degree in fashion marketing, she initially applied at another Montreal college, and quickly realized it was not the right path for her. She admitted that, though she did learn things from her year attending this school, she felt more secure attending a school where most of her high shool friends and classmates would also be attending.

"To be quite honest, it wasn’t even a possibility in my head to go to LaSalle right away because I didn’t feel independent enough. After finishing my first semester at Dawson, I realized what I wanted and then I applied to LaSalle right away because I didn’t want to waste anymore time. I felt like I would be more in my element at LaSalle with people who valued the same things as me and I was right!"

Now, Marina is on track with her plans to take over the fashion world and has no intentions of stopping after college. Her goal is to keep going until she's successfully created her own brand and company, which is a realistic goal for Marina as she notes, "I never stop working and going for what I love and until everything seems perfect to my vision, I won't stop until I get it!"

When you put aside the social media followers and her big dreams for the future Marina is just a girl who loves fashion with all her heart.

"...Fashion means the world to me. As vague as that may sound, it’s my whole world. I breathe, sleep, eat and literally learn fashion day in and day out. I am constantly surrounded by it at school, at work, in the street, and especially in the sense of my direction for my future. Fashion is my creative madness and my sanity. When I’m mad or upset about something I’ll turn to a good magazine, instagram, tumblr, pinterest or youtube. It has always made sense in my head and feels like home. Fashion means i can be exactly who I am with no judgement and when I feel good, I look good and thats what makes me the happiest."

For more of Marina, check out her YouTube channel mmtrends as well as her Instagram accounts @mar1naa where she creates fashion, beauty, and lifestyle content.

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